Derivation Relativistic longitudinal Doppler effect. El sonido es una onda longitudinal que produce compresiones y expansiones sucesivas en el aire. This Gif Demonstrates The Difference Between A Transverse And Longitudinal Wave Longitudinal Wave Waves Biomedical Science Pluke CC0 El sonido se produce cuando se hace vibrar un objeto como el diapasón de la figura un instrumento musical o simplemente las cuerdas vocales en un medio capaz de transmitir la perturbación mediante la vibración de sus moléculas. . Relativistic Doppler shift for the longitudinal case with source and receiver moving directly towards or away from each other is often derived as if it were the classical phenomenon but modified by the addition of a time dilation term. Lets take a look at the characteristics of. Polarization also polarisation is a property applying to transverse waves that specifies the geometrical orientation of the oscillations. This i...